Turn Classic

Modra frankinja 0,75L








Blaufränkisch – an outstanding choice for pleasure-seekers.


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works well with charcuterie – salami, ham, pork neck, bacon, pancetta, prosciutto, also steak, roasts, lamb and game.


14–16 °C


5 years





Delivery 2-5 business days

When is the delivery?

In-stock products are shipped the next business day after order placement. You will be notified by e-mail when your order has been dispatched.

Local pickup

You can stop by at our Turn wine shop and pick up your products personally.
Location: Vinoteka Turn, Rostoharjeva ulica 88, 8270 Krško Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 7.00–15.00

Modra frankinja 0,75L

Blaufränkisch – an outstanding choice for pleasure-seekers

Every wine has its story

Legend of two star-crossed lovers, an oak tree and a cradle.

Legende Šrajbarskega turna

Zgodba o dveh legendah: cvičku in krškopoljskem prašiču

Cviček nam pripoveduje zgodbo o trti, ki se napaja iz domače zemlje, o rasti, zorenju in ljubezni. Razkriva nam skrivnosti o dlaneh ljudi, ki so s skrbnostjo obrali vsako jagodo, stoletja ljubeče skrbeli za rdeči nektar in ga delili s prijatelji. Ob njem so se veselili, se spoznavali, se ljubili in tudi jokali. Vse to pripoveduje cviček vsakomur, ki mu želi prisluhniti. Tako kot cviček ima tudi krškopoljski prašič (edina ohranjena slovenska avtohtona pasma prašiča) svojo zgodbo, ki ga določa. Zaradi zakonskih omejitev smo ga kot pasmo skoraj izgubili, a je trmasto vztrajal. Danes velja za kulinarično specialiteto. V Kleti Krško cenimo oboje – cviček in krškopoljca. V družbi drug drugega sta za gastronomske navdušence pravo bogastvo.

Legende Šrajbarskega turna

Zgodba o cvetličnih tihožitjih, ki so dobila vonj in okus

Zgodba o cvetličnih tihožitjih, ki so dobila vonj in okus Linijo TURN dopolnjujemo s prvim slajšim mirnim vinom, ki v sebi skriva pridih ženske elegance. Nežni, a očarljivi cvetlični aromi krškega muškata nedvomno pritiče zgodba lepe, mlade in nadarjene umetnice, potomke ene najimenitnejših plemiških družin tedanje Evrope. Likovna in vrtna kultura sta v 19. stoletju neločljivo povezani, v naši dediščini pa nikoli prej niti pozneje tako žlahtno prepleteni kot v življenju in delu grofice Marije Auersperg Attems. Njene vrline je izničil čas, ostale pa so slike – znamenita cvetlična tihožitja, ki jih je ustvarjala brez formalne slikarske izobrazbe pričajo o njenem nespornem talentu in ljubezni do narave. Kot edina stalnica med raznovrstnim naslikanim cvetjem se pojavljajo vrtnice, ki so kraljevale tudi v razkošnem vrtu Šrajbarskega Turna. Njenemu umetniškemu opusu smo pridružili našo strast do pridelovanja vina in ustvarili Turn Classic Muškat – novi najljubši spremljevalec damskih druženj, z izrazitim sortnim šarmom pa prepriča tudi moške ljubitelje slajših vin.

Legende Šrajbarskega turna

Legenda o neuresničeni ljubezni, otroku, hrastu in zibelki

Legenda pripoveduje o mladem grofu Mariji Aleksandru Auerspergu, ki se zaljubi v prelepo, a revno dekle. Velika ljubezen zaradi nasprotovanja njegovih staršev ni uslišana. Mladi grof se naposled poroči z dekletom svojega stanu, nesojeni srčni izbranki pa obljubi, da bo posekal mogočni hrast, pod katerim sta preživljala svoje skrivne in srečne trenutke ter iz njega stesal zibelko za svojega prvorojenca. Grof je držal obljubo in v hrastovo zibelko položil sina Antona Aleksandra Auersperga, ki je kasneje postal znan kot pesnik in osebni prijatelj največjega slovenskega pesnika Franceta Prešerna. Z njim si je delil ljubezen do literature ter do dobre vinske kapljice, ki je zorela v Auerspergovi grajski kleti.
Zibelka je danes na ogled v Narodnem muzeju Slovenije, zgodba pa živi v Kleti Krško in se skozi modro frankinjo prenaša iz roda v rod.

Legende Šrajbarskega turna

Navdihujoče prijateljstvo med pesnikom in grofom

Tudi ta zgodba prihaja iz Šrajbarskega Turna, ki je bil v 19. stoletju v lasti Antona Aleksandra Auersperga, ljubitelja kulture in umetnosti. Že v času odraščanja je prijateljeval z velikim slovenskim pesnikom Francetom Prešernom in se tudi sam preizkusil v pesnikovanju. Zaradi starostne razlike ga je Prešeren v šali imenoval kar Zelen’c, zato je Anton Aleksander Auersperg danes v akademskih krogih znan pod pomenljivim psevdonimom Anastazij Grün. S Francetom Prešernom sta se veliko mudila v vinski kleti, ki je bila tedaj v lasti rodbine Auersperg, danes pa je prepoznavna pod imenom Klet Krško. Mnogi so mnenja, da je ob dobri vinski kapljici nastal marsikateri imeniten pesniški stih, naše vino Zeleni silvanec pa ponosno nosi ime grofa Zelenca.

Legende Šrajbarskega turna

Ali vemo, kako je nastala Prešernova Zdravljica?

Kdaj, kako in kje je bila spisana Prešernova Zdravljica, je zavito v tančico skrivnosti. Zagotovo vemo, da je France Prešeren cenil vino, da si je rad privoščil kozarček ali dva ter da je bil poln umetniškega navdiha. Še posebej v čislih je imel vino iz Leskovca (danes Klet Krško), ki je zorelo v vinski kleti njegovega prijatelja Anastazija Grüna. Ko se jima je pridružil še Andrej Smole, so omamljeni od čarov vina razgrabljali o literaturi in skovali marsikateri umetelni stih.

Legends of Šrajbarski Turn Castle

A tale of two legends: Cviček and the Krškopolje pig

Cviček speaks of the vines that draw strength from their home soil, of their growth, the berries ripening and the love bestowed upon it. It reveals secrets of the hands of those who picked the berries, meticulously, one by one, nurturing their sweet nectar to finally share it with their friends: On occasions happy or sad, at social events or while tending to the matters of the heart. All this finds expression in Cviček, for those willing to listen. Much like Cviček, the Krškopolje pig (the only surviving Slovenian autochthonous pig breed) has a unique backstory. At one point, the breed almost went extinct due to legal restriction. Today, the meat is lauded as a great delicacy. The Klet Krško wine cellar is a champion for both: Cviček and the Krškopolje pig. Served alongside, they are quite the treat for every foodie.

Legends of Šrajbarski Turn Castle

A tale of floral still life emanating aroma and flavor

A tale of floral still life emanating aroma and flavor The TURN line of wines grows even richer with the addition of the first still wine of a sweeter note, which carries a touch of female grace. The delicate but enchanting floral aroma of the Krško muscat tells the story of a young, beautiful and talented artist, a descendant of one of the most renowned noble families in Europe at the time. In the 19th century, painting and horticulture were intimately linked, their connection never before or after as intricately balanced as in the life and work of Countess Marija Auersperg Attems. Her beauty and virtue may have faded with time but her paintings remain – the flower still life pieces she painted without any formal training bear witness to her exquisite talent and love for nature. The only constant in her varied painted bouquets are roses, which also dominated the exuberant garden of Šrajbarski Turn Castle. A blend of the Countess’ artistic œuvre and our passion for winemaking, Turn Classic Rumeni muškat is a new favourite at ladies’ get-togethers although its distinct varietal charm is equally irresistible to male afficionados of sweeter wines.

Legends of Šrajbarski Turn Castle

Legend of two star-crossed lovers, an oak tree and a cradle

Legend has it that the handsome young Count Maria Alexander Auersperg fell in love with a beautiful but penniless girl. His parents opposed the match, and their romance remained ill-fated. The young count ultimately married a girl of his station. But before this, he promised his true love to cut down the mighty oak under which they secretly shared so many happy moments, and use the wood to make a cradle for his first-born. The count kept his promise and the oak cradle was used for his son Anton Alexander Auersperg who went on to become a famous poet in his own right and a close friend of Slovenia’s greatest poet France Prešeren. Bound by a shared love for the written word, the two men were also fond of the wine coming from Auersperg’s wine cellar. Today, the cradle is displayed in the National Museum of Slovenia, but the story lives on in the vaults of the Klet Krško wine cellar and is passed down the generations through the Blaufränkisch.

Legends of Šrajbarski Turn Castle

An inspiring friendship between a poet and a count

This is another story from Šrajbarski Turn Castle. In the 19th century, the castle was owned by Anton Alexander Auersperg, a culture and art aficionado. During his teenage years, the count struck up a friendship with the great Slovenian poet France Prešeren, and made his first forays into poetry. Due to their age difference, Prešeren referred to the youth as zelen’c (“greenhorn”), jokingly alluding to his youthful inexperience. Anton Alexander Auersperg adopted this nickname, and is today known under the penname Anastasius Grün in academic circles. Together with Prešeren, he spent many a merry hour in the Auersperg wine cellar that is today the winery of Klet Krško. It’s believed that a number of the intricate verses were inspired by the intoxicating wine. As for us, we are proud that our Zeleni Silvanec bears the name of the noble Count Zelenc.

Legends of Šrajbarski Turn Castle

How did Prešeren’s poem A Toast come about?

The details of when, how and where exactly Prešeren wrote the famous Toast are shrouded in mystery. What we know for sure though is that France Prešeren loved to have a drink or two and his inspiration never ran dry. He was especially fond of the wine from the cellars of Leskovec Castle (today Klet Krško) owned by his dear friend Anastasius Grün. With Andrej Smole completing the trio, the men, intoxicated by wine and the power of poetry, discussed literature and composed many a sophisticated rhyme.

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